- Ivan the fool and st Peter's fife
- Oh the tsar of the forest
- The cat, the cock, and the fox
- The fox and the cat
- The golden slipper
- The iron wolf
- The magic egg
- The old dog
- The origin of the mole
- The serpent-tsarevich and his two wives
- The serpent-wife
- The sparrow and the bush
- The story of Ivan and the daughter of the sun
- The story of little tsar novishny, the false sister, and the faithful beasts
- The story of the forty-first brother
- The story of the unlucky days
- The story of the wind
- The story of tremsin, the bird zhar, and Nastasia, the lovely maid of the sea
- The story of unlucky Daniel
- The straw ox
- The three brothers
- The tsar and the angel
- The two princes
- The ungrateful children and the old father who went to school again
- The vampire and st Michael
- The voices at the window
- The wondrous story of Ivan Golik and the Serpents
Українські народні пісні, казки, прислів’я, приказки, міфи, легенди, оповідання, розповіді
вівторок, 1 травня 2012 р.
Ukrainian folk tales
Cossack fairy tales and folk tales selected edited and translated by R. Nisbet Bain illustrated by Noel L. Nisbet